
Silverlock 4 gig fix
Silverlock 4 gig fix

I'm not even sure they have a support team, the only posts I have seen on Answer HQ are from like 2 or 3 people from Maxis, the rest of the people don't work for EA. I'm not sure if this is because they are so few people or that their support team is struggling to get their patches out.

#Silverlock 4 gig fix Patch#

The main problem seems to be that they can only release one patch every month and they also seem to not be able to fix many bugs at all. I call emergency bug fix! People pay for these packs that are now. There is a lot more wrong here than the first bug I mentioned.Ĭome on EA, this NEEDS to be fixed rather now then tomorrow. there is no other option on the buffet table. I also noticed the producer of whom I know is a vegetarian enjoying a grilled chicken meal, cause well. Just another thing that breaks this career. And how much does that blows when you have a vegatarian sim. I also noticed how the food table does not serve at least 1 vegetarian meal any more.

silverlock 4 gig fix silverlock 4 gig fix

It looks like this bug needs a lot more attention, so i decided to share my annoyance on the forum as I couldn't find any topic about it. I see the problem is already existing for 3 months and still no fix. today after patching my game I also became a member of this group. Not to mention other websites where simmers share their frustration with this annoying bug: traveling your sim resets the prep tasks in the acting career. There is a whole thread of 28 pages on the EA bug report website.

Silverlock 4 gig fix